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Affari Tuoi Returns Daily With Amadeus As Host

Affari Tuoi Returns Daily with Amadeus as Host

The Iconic Game Show to Feature Regional Contestants

Airs Daily on WEB TV Network

The highly popular game show Affari Tuoi is making a comeback as a daily program, with acclaimed host Amadeus taking the helm. The show's iconic "game of the packages" format, where contestants from different Italian regions compete against the bank for monetary prizes, will remain a central element.

Affari Tuoi has delighted viewers for years with its thrilling gameplay and suspenseful atmosphere. The daily version will provide even more opportunities for contestants from across the country to take their shot at winning big. Amadeus, known for his charisma and quick wit, will guide the contestants through the game with his signature wit and charm.

The relaunch of Affari Tuoi signals a renewed interest in classic game shows that have stood the test of time. Its return to the daily programming lineup is sure to captivate a new generation of viewers while bringing back fond memories for those who have enjoyed the show in the past.

Affari Tuoi is set to premiere on the WEB TV network and will air weekdays. The show's return to daily broadcasting is a testament to its enduring appeal and the continued popularity of game shows that combine excitement, strategy, and a touch of luck.
